Can CBD Oil Get Me High?

You’ve heard it asked by your friends or even wondered it yourself. Can CBD oil get you high? Let’s cut to the chase and get right to the point: Noooope. CBD oil does not get you high. CBD oil is not psychoactive and does not affect or influence your mind, your thoughts, or your behavior negatively. No, nope, nahnapesnix, nay, no way-no how, uh-uh! No way, Jose. No siree, Bob and negative, Ghost Rider. CBD oil does not get its user high.


Okay, CBD oil cannot get you high. We get excited about what CBD actually is. Which might beg the question: how does CBD oil make you feel?

CBD oil does not get you “high” in the traditional sense of smoking, vaping, or ingesting marijuana that contains high levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). THC is what causes the “hazy”, “stoned,” euphoric, sometimes mind-altering thoughts and feelings that are typically associated with marijuana use. These do not apply to CBD oil usage.

There are many people who ingest or take CBD oil as a nutritional supplement or medicinal alternative who claim to feel a heightened sense of relaxation after taking their daily CBD oil serving. “A soothing calmness,” notes one anonymous online reviewer. Others refer to it as a “light” feeling.

Is it linked to a state of mind? Awareness? The fact that they are doing something good for themselves? Something along the lines of the placebo effect? Well, turns out, it’s just a little science.

The biological and scientific reasons that THC gets you “high” and CBD does not, can be found by learning about the endocannabinoid system.


Terpenes are natural compounds found in every-day food, seasonings, plants, and, of course, cannabis. The aroma that plants, food, and fruits have these aromas are because of their terpene content. Those same aromatic compounds are found in cannabis. Products like our Blue Label RSHO contain terpenes inside of the oil. There are many reported benefits of individual terpenes that a quick search brings.


The endocannabinoid system is a ‘lock and key’ system. These lock and keys, when paired, are the building blocks for the scientific community’s curiosity inside this plant’s potential. Just like the receptors that interact with your hormones and endorphins, cannabinoids interact with their unique receptors. These compounds work together with terpenes to help balance your body.

There are two major cannabinoid receptors found in the human body. CB1 receptors are most prevalent in the central nervous system and are linked to modulating stress, anxiety, appetite, nausea, and immune system balance. Since THC is known for its cerebral effects, when CB1 receptors bind to THC, the effects from this molecule are what get the user “high.”

CB2 receptors are found mostly in the immune system and are believed to assist in reducing inflammation and healing damaged tissues. CB2 is the receptor for CBD that triggers healing and promotes internal body balance (homeostasis). For a more detailed look into cannabinoid receptors and how CBD feels, check out this link.

CBD oil does contain anti-inflammatories, antioxidant properties, and the ability to increase serotonin levels. In conjunction, these could biologically lead to a reduction in pain and/or anxiety.*(Kohn 2016) That could be interpreted as a feeling of relaxation or relief.


Your endocannabinoid system is not the same as mine. Their endocannabinoid system is not the same as ours. Every body is different. This is important when deciding to use CBD oil.